Kirkby Fleetham Village Hall
Charity No 70195
Book the hall for your event:
£8 per hour main hall
£5.50 per hour library
£4 per hour use of kitchen facilities
From 1st January 2024
(extra charges for non residents)
Use the online
booking enquiry facility
to make a booking
Contact Lesley Bottomley on 07855 961563
if you have no digital access
What can the hall offer you?
a warm and cosy environment
a licence to sell alcohol
an entertainment licence
good broadband access
a sound system
quality projection facilities
instant hot water for beverages
a large hob & two ovens
a dishwasher & glasswasher
a small room seating up to 20
tables & seating for up to 80
matching crockery, cutlery,
glassware, tablecloths
hire of equipment - tables, chairs, crockery, cutlery, glassware
accessible toilet
accessible parking and access
The Community Library in the Artley Room is open for all, whenever the hall is open for a group. Please feel free to pop in and browse for a book. Please contact Liz Harrison (748351) if you have books to donate. NB The Library is fiction only.
Car Park
The paved area immediately parallel to the wall is now signed 'Disabled Parking Only'. Please adhere to this except that, if you do need to unload heavy items, please move your vehicle as soon as you have done that. Thank you.
KFVH Management Committee
Chair -
Mike Dillon
ViceChair/Treasurer -
Lesley Bottomley
Vice Treasurer/Communications - Lynda Dillon
Secretary -
Linda Dillon
Vice Secretary -
Margaret Osler
Bookings -
Lesley Bottomley
Phil Mason
Linda Rough
Kate Smith
Co-Opted Member
David Russell
Meetings Bi Monthly 7pm
2nd October, 4th December
Kirkby Fleetham Village Hall & History Room
Village Hall’s new History & Resources Room
Residents and funders joined together on Saturday July 27 to
celebrate the official opening of the new extension at the Village Hall
which houses information and artefacts to support people
researching local history. The room is also used as a resource room for the community, history groups and Village Hall Committee. The main funding came from Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund who
donated £25,000 and Paul Younger, operations manager at Tarmac’s
Killerby Quarry, unveiled a plaque to recognise their contribution. He said: “Tarmac are always willing and able to help great projects like this”
Former Chairperson and Treasurer of the Village Hall, Jean Morley who
came up with the original idea and supported the fundraising, cut the
ribbon to open the new room. Jean thanked all those who had helped
provide funds, fundraise and deliver the project. Local fundraising activities raised £9,044 and private donations £2,900. There was also a donation of £3,000 from the Lightsource BP Solar Farm, William Webster Charitable Trust £3,000, Jack Brunton Charitable Trust £2,000; and North Yorkshire Council’s Locality Grant £1,000.
If you have an idea for a group, whether or not you would be prepared to take a lead, please get in touch.
If you’d like to chat about any suggestions or developments, you can call Mike Dillon, Chair of the Village Hall Committee on 07713 131980 or speak to any Committee member.
Weekly Events
unless indicated otherwise
New members of all skill levels are always welcome to the weekly sessions below. Charges are minimal
Monday Contact
6.30 - 7pm Metabolic Effect Kath Burgin 07894 718696
7 - 8pm Pilates
9.30am - 12.30pm Bridge Jean Morley 748066
2-5pm Bridge Margaret Osler 748960
7-9pm Book Lovers Group (every 1st) Liz Harrison 748351
7.15pm Kirkby Fleetham Feast (every 4th) Rachel Campbell
07920 061924
7.15-8.15pm Ballroom Dancing Ian or Leah Hardaker 748821
Contact for sessions
10.15 - 12.15 The Village Hub.
10.00 - 11.00 Mobile Post Office
6.30-7pm Metabolic Effect Kath Burgin 07894 718696
7.30pm - 8.45pm Hatha Yoga Yvonne Lovatt 07944 435718
7pm Village Hall Committee Mtng Linda Lodge 748127
(Every First - Feb, Apr, June AGM, Aug, Oct, Dec)
10 - 11 am General Exercise for Older Adults Kath Burgin 07894 718696
2 - 4pm Carpet Bowls Peter Stevens, 748443
7pm Gardening Group (every 1st) Jackie/David Russell 748769
7.30pm Kirkby Fleetham WI (every 2nd) Helen Lunn 748582
7.30pm Parish Council Meeting (every 3rd) Chris Walker
7pm Armchair Cinema (last Thursday) Lesley Bottomley 07855 961563
10.15 - 12noon Church Coffee Morning Rosemary Garner 748335
(every 1st - not Aug or Dec)
10.15 -12.15 The Village Hub
9.30am - 12.30pm Sunday Sanctuary Yoga & Sound Bath
(last Sunday)
07982 104144
Metabolic Effect was founded on the idea that weight loss and fat loss are not the same and is a system that works to help people understand their unique metabolic processes so they can work with their metabolism, not against it.
Circuit Fitness sessions are suitable for all ages/levels of ability as each circuit is individually designed.
Pilates is a class for people of all ages and fitness levels who want to improve their core strength.
Keep Fit & Coffee with Kath is a weekly session for Seniors, offering individually tailored exercise followed by the opportunity to socialise.
Swedish and sports massage and therapy also available individually.
Go to the Local Business page for more information.
Ballroom Dancing
Our two professional ballroom dancers, Ian and Leah Hardaker, are very happy to offer private tuition. If you are interested in learning to dance, do give them a call on 748821.
Social Newsletter
For all up-to-date community / emergency information, please make full use of our community website: …. and, if you haven’t done so already, PLEASE enrol on InfoNetKFF – an excellent resource.
To book the Village Hall or to hire its equipment, go to the village hall link on our community website and complete the booking form. No email? Then ring Lin Lodge on 748127 or Margaret Osler on 748960, either of whom will happily help you.
The publication is written by Lynda Dillon. If you have something of local interest that you would like included, please email it to Lynda by the 15th of the month: